How does ALLGRIP SELECT work?
The ALLGRIP SELECT provides four driving options that you can switch between at the turn of a dial:
AUTO - this mode will operate your vehicle as a two-wheel-drive as normal to provide maximum efficiency and is preferable to your everyday driving conditions. The rear wheels will kick into action if any front wheel slippage is detected.
SPORT - traction control intervention is weakened in this mode to allow a sleeker drive. It allows for easier acceleration when tackling narrow winding roads and tight bends.
SNOW - traction control intervention is heightened in this mode for maximum stability in wintery conditions. A permanent 50/50 torque split is given to the front and rear wheels.
LOCK - torque is distributed evenly throughout the four wheels when encountering difficult surfaces. Spinning wheels have extra traction control applied, while tyres that are gripping will have torque prioritised. .