Our Top Apps to Make Your Commute Easier

At Chapelhouse, we understand that the drive to work can sometimes be tedious. Whether it be traffic or just a long commute, we know that there are a dozen other things you'd rather be doing with your commute time. We've compiled our top mobile apps to help you make the most of your commute to work.


Spotify is a music streaming app that lets you listen to your favourite artists or playlists while on the move. It offers a great free option if you're okay with listening to a couple of ads every 30 minutes or so. For an upgraded price, you can listen completely ad-free and even download music for offline listening. It also offers a great family bundle so everyone can enjoy their own music without mashing up playlists.

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Spotify might seem an obvious choice, but sometimes there is nothing better than singing your heart out to your favourite musicians while you're stuck in traffic where no one can judge your key or make fun if you get the words wrong.

If you'd prefer something a little tamer in the morning, Spotify also offers a vast range of podcasts, ranging from being very business centric to the utmost absurd so there is sure to be something to inspire you or motivate you while you trundle down the motorway.


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Audible is an app that hosts thousands of online audiobooks, from family friendly kid's books up to murder mystery horrors. It conveniently saves where you've listened up to so you never have to worry about remembering where you got up to. It essentially allows you to read a book while you drive!

Though audible comes with a small monthly cost, it opens the door to unlimited books that you may have never gotten to read otherwise so we think it's a great investment.


Headspace is great if you need to get just that, a little bit of headspace. It offers a range of guided meditations and inspirational audio to help you get in the right frame of mind, motivate you or help reduce stress.

Headspace Logo

It tailors its meditations to you as much as possible so you can choose between different genres, including ones to wake you up or motivate you and they come in varying lengths so are perfect no matter the length of your commute.

A free version of headspace is available, though it comes with very limited meditations and features so we prefer the paid upgrade that unlocks all of the features and guided meditations.

A Parked Car Locator

This one is for when you finally arrive at your destination. You've found a parking space but it's in the middle of a large parking lot or a couple of streets away from work With a simple tap, you can tag your car's location and store it until later. A Parked Car Locator will then guide you back to your car when it's time to find it again with pretty close accuracy.

There are many options on the app store for a car locator so take some time to find one that is accurate and works on your phone and for you. Some use Google Maps to locate your car while some connect to the car's Bluetooth and track it that way.

Your Manufacturer App

A lot of new cars, particularly EVs now come with an app that allows you to connect to your car and unlock a whole range of convenient features with the touch of a smartphone.  

At Chapelhouse, we are proud main dealers of Kia, MG and Suzuki cars, all of which offer their own apps to make your life a little easier.

Kia Connect

Kia Connect connects with your EV and allows you to track and schedule your charging, showing you the nearest charging points. It also syncs seamlessly with your car's navigation system so your journey is always ready to go.


MG offer MG iSmart for the MG4, MG5 and MG ZS EV that allows you to remotely set the climate of your car before you get in it so there's no more defrosting windows in the cold. It will also keep you updated on the health of your vehicle and assist in finding the nearest charge point.

Suzuki Connect

Suzuki Connect is a smartphone app that allows you to always be connected to your Suzuki car. You can monitor many aspects of your car, including fuel and consumption levels, and if you've forgotten to lock the car as you left!

We hope, that with the help of the above apps, you can turn your commute from a mind-numbing journey to a motivational adventure that has you excited to be in your car and into a more useful way to spend your travel time.